What We Do.

Build TRUST. COMMIT to a common vision. DELIGHT in the process.

Every player is seeking validation for two things from your team.

  1. Do I belong here?

  2. Am I doing a good job?

The path to create this secure level of safety in teams is through COMMUNICATION. But every player is different and everyone communicates differently. In communication with players, unmet expectations lead to disappointment, bitterness, resentment, and ultimately a toxic new normal that limits that relationship.

We exist to equip you the coach with the tools to communicate effectively with every individual player, create a culture of safety, and ultimately help every player reach their potential.

We do this through a program called Transforming Team Communication (TTC).

Transforming Team Communication.

The TTC Program is based on a personality and communication assessment called the 5 Voices which is used by companies like Google, Ford, and the U.S. Air Force to make sure their teams reach their maximum potential. Here at TCD Teams, we have tailored the 5 Voices for basketball coaches and teams.

Our program is composed of 2 components:

1. Team Workshops

2. Coach Intensives

Team Workshops: (90-minute sessions)

In team workshops, players and coaches go through 5 Voices training together. The workshop functions as a team-building experience for your team. Every player and coach will self-assess their unique leadership voice through a series of trainings and discussions. Your players will increase their self-awareness and learn their modes of communication and tendencies together with their teammates and coaches.

Coach Intensives: (60-minute sessions)

In coach intensives, we will present the coaches with team and player data collected in the team workshops.

Every coach will be given practical insights and takeaways for your specific group of players including the following:

  • What each player looks like at their best

  • The specific way to gain each player’s influence

  • Each player’s default mode of communication

  • Each player’s unique relationship to feedback

  • Each player’s “kryptonite” and things to look out for.

From this data, we will create a reference card for every player to guide you in the leadership of each player. (See the example below). Coaches will learn practical strategies, insights, phrases, and questions to communicate effectively and to maximize their influence with every player.

Every Team is Different.

We will meet with you to tailor our TTC program for your team and make sure it’s the right fit to transform your communication. Reach out to us to set up a time to see more of what we do, and let us design an experience that works best for your team!

To see some of the ideas that inform the TTC Program, check out our blog!

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 Companies using the 5 Voices